Magneto Hydrodynamics Turbulent dusty Fow with Rotational Symmetry

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Sunil Kumar


MHD Turbulence describes, turbulence in an electrically conducting, magnetized fluid (Biskam 2003). Strictly speaking MHD only applies to collision dominated fluids. However it is often a useful guide to the behaviour of magnetized plazmas even in the collisionless limit, turbulence is a generic property of large scale fluid flows. Hydrodynamic (HD) turbulence is a familiar phenomenon, flows of human dimensions commonly reach high Reynolds numbers; values in excess of 104 are achieved in the air we push aside when we walk and in the water we disturb when we swim. By contrast the limited electrical conductivity of available fluids makes it difficult to excite flows with high magnetic Reynolds numbers in terrestrial laboratories.

It was pointed out by Taylor (1953) that the equations of motion of ordinary turbulence are related with the pressure gradient and the acceleration of a fluid particle. Batchelor (1951) Jain (1962) and Kishore and Mishra (1970) obtained the expressions for pressure covariance and acceleration converiance in ordinary and MHD turbulence. Kishore and Singh (1984) discussed the effect of coriolis force on acceleration covariance in ordinary turbulence with rotational symmetry following Kishore and Dixit (1970). In this paper an attempt has been made to study the effect of dust particles on acceleration covariance in nearly isotropic, homogenous MHD turbulence. It is the extension of the work done by Dixit (1988).

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